First of all, decide where do you want to place the artwork, as this defines the frame color and type.
...If you want to create a new art wall in your space...
choose the room and wall where you can create the new art collection. It can be the art wall with only several art pieces (from 2 to 5 max) or it can be the art wall with the many various art pieces. Keep in mind when choosing the wall that direct natural sunlight can take a toll, especially when you want to include in your collection watercolors and textiles.
decide what items do you want to include in your art wall: drawings, photographs, prints, postcards, flight tickets, newspaper articles, pieces of fabric, jewelry... For example, if you are creating art walls using my artworks, you can add to the collection any photos you took in these cities, your favorite quotes about this country or place, postcards, letters. Just think about the small details you can relate to the city/country you like.
when you collect the items to display, think about a color match principle to use: 60-30-10 color rule that is easy to follow. 60% of a room’s color is achieved through a dominant wall color, as well as flooring or large rugs, and large-scale furniture 30% of color will come from furniture, textiles, lighting, etc. 10% is the place to play around with a variety of color families, patterns, and textures. But rather than thinking of it as a precise math formula, think of it as a guideline to have fun creating a palette of three colors, which can vary in tone and shade, to help build a room that looks stylish. I will write more about color theory in my coming publications.
think about what frames size & type you will need and try to sketch the possible positions. When creating, feel free to "google" for the inspiration, there are tones of various ideas on Pinterest and Instagram. Would you place your art pieces on the wall, or maybe you will just place it on your chest of drawers, or next to your bed? or maybe the bookshelves? You can read in my blog the brief guide about choosing the right frames.
...If you want to add a new art piece to the art wall that exists in your space...
adding a new art piece to the existing art wall sounds a bit easier, as you will just follow the existing color scheme and design, but as an option, keep in mind that you can change the art wall's photos and drawings and showcase different photos or art pieces you have, that will be a great solution to refresh your room's vibes.